Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Airline Companies, part 4: not bad at all

Not bad at all, but it didn't leave any markable impression either

photo www.staralliance.com
Many many years ago I flew with Singapore Airlines, from Amsterdam to Singapore and from Singapore to Bali and back. At that time the airline company was admired by it's pleasant service and extremely beautiful hostesses. Perhaps this makes impression to a male traveller, but I look more comfort and service. Leg space and food&beverage are important to me too. I get pretty hungry in a flight of 16 hours.
I remember I had a pleasant flight with good food.

photo www.dallasnews.com
It is a long time ago when I last flew to the states and took American Airlines. If I remeber well, we had a two hour delay from Heathrow and I was asked to change my flight, bcause an other carrier got btoken and they needed to give seats to those who had connecting flights. Only I couldn't because I didn't know who to contact in Washigton DC about my later arrival. It was pre cell phone time. After all, my flight was the one late for 2 hours. It was about the time when American airlines was far too often in the news due to the crash or other problems.  https://www.americanairlines.com

An other airline company I haven't taken for ages is Swiss airline. I once flew back home to Finland with the company from Italy, and at the time I thought it was fancy. https://www.swiss.com/

photo www.staralliance.com

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